Saturday, February 27, 2010

2 More Weeks...

Today was the first day in a long time where we could actually go outside and not freeze! The sun was shining and we actually had the window down in the car (as did most people out driving about). It WAS almost 40 degrees for cryin' out loud! Haha. Yes, compared to what we've had lately, 40 is a heat wave, and it felt outstanding!

So today we made our way to Home Depot to get supplies for the bridal fair. I swear, this fair is stressing me out something crazy- I can't wait for it to be done. I'm excited for it, dont get me wrong, but it's just been alot of work (and money) and I hope it pays off.

Our prints came in yesterday! I was super excited since I wasnt expecting them until the first part of next week. They are awesome, and they are making things look like they are actually coming together. Once we finish everything else up tomorrow, then aside from a few last minute details and waiting on that last dang album to come in, we are good to go!

As much work as it's all been, at least I know that next time the fair comes up in October, we wont have to worry about as much since we will already have everything. This time consisted to making/designing/ordering/building/etc but now that all of that is finished, we wont have to worry about it any more and the fall will just be touch-up and then resetting up.

I'm so sleepy! I really should be cleaning right now, but I have absolutely no motivation or energy to do it. I wish I did...but it just seems like the only time I ever feel like cleaning is in the day during the week, never on the weekend which is when the cleaning SHOULD be done. Bleh.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

March? What?

I feel like I should update this more, but sadly the posts would be the same every day-- it's cold and nothing new is going on!

I can't wait until spring and warmer weather. Dont get me wrong, once summertime hits I will be complaining about the heat, but gosh darnit, I HATE being cold! Leaving when I have to for work is just brutal, and it takes half of my ride in just to get a bit of my body defrosted. And then it's so gosh darn cold INSIDE work that I am in my coat until I get home. So frustrating.

Anywho, as for life, we've been hitting it hard with the bridal fair, getting things together there and designing the booth. Our albums actually FINALLY came in TODAY and they are outstanding! Better than I anticipated, and I love all of the extra goodies that we ordered as well. Makes the *cough*waytomuchmoney*cough* we have spent on the fair actually look like it's doing something. Now hopefully it all plays out and we book alot of amazing couples from it!

Aside from that, I feel like this entire month has gone by in this huge blur. I can't believe it's already almost March- where did February go?! I feel like it was just January. Next weekend is Sara and I's birthday party, which I am really excited for. Sadly, because of the bridal fair and a wedding, I wasnt able to make it to Omaha the actual weekend of our birthday, and Sara is going out of town the week after, so we have to celebrate it early. Should be fun though, I'm excited for a night out! I feel like I've been in this little hole all month sitting on my computer editing this and ordering this-- I need a break!

Right now I am insanely hungry. These hours have my eating schedule all messed up, but because I stay up until after Adam gets home every day so I can actually SEE him, my day is incredibly long, meaning that the normal 3 meals a day thing just doesnt pan out. When my breakfast is at 3am and lunch at 10, I am so hungry I have to eat during the day! But then when Adam comes home I always eat when he eats dinner...which constitutes to wayy to much food! I'm trying to cut back and eat smaller meals more often, but my tummy isnt a fan of that. :( Luckily Adam is home any minute now and dinner will be soon! I tend to get a bit cranky if I dont eat....

I think I hear the car now! Yay!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day!!

Adam and I decided to forgo gift giving this year. Since this is the off season for weddings all of our extra money has been going to setting up and getting ready for the bridal fair, so instead we decided to make our "gift" going out for a nice dinner!

Gift from Mom! Yes, she stuffed this into a box and mailed it. It was SO big! I put it on the bed...Adam was a bit scared! But I think secretly he was sad that it wasnt his.

We decided to go to our new favorite place...we actually found it by accident a few weeks back when we were debating on were to go to use our handy gift card my grandma had gotten Adam for Christmas. We were actually trying to get to Olive Garden, but pulled into the parking lot of this place to turn around and the sign said "All You Can Eat Italian Feast"...we were intrigued. We decided to check it out and compare it to Valentino's back home in Omaha. And, well, how can I put this mildly? It kicked Valentino's butt...and stomped it into the ground...about 10,000 times. Yes, it was really that good. I could go on and on about it, but I'll spare you. Needless to say, we were hooked. Sadly, the pricing is a bit on the high side, and without the gift card we wouldnt have been able to eat there, so it has to be saved for special Valentine's Day! We were so excited! And it was just as delicious as before. My only complaint is that I get full too easily and there are so many delicious things that I dont get to eat...grr! Now I'm looking forward to my birthday, hopefully we can have it again then!

We had planned to take a trip to the Plaza with Annabelle and walk around, maybe get some coffee, but unfortunately it decided to snow. We were still planning on going, and we got Annabelle all dressed up and headed out, but we didnt make it to our car since she decided to run and play in the snow in the yard, so we just figured we'd take her to the backyard and let her run. Good thing we did, because it was bit cold!

Isn't she cute?!

She was COVERED in snow!

Finally, to top off a great Valentine's Day, Adam made me homemade chocolate lava cakes!!! It is my absolute FAVORITE dessert, and he completely made my day! They may not look the absolute prettiest, but they sure did taste AMAZING! Yes, I have a wonderful husband!


Such a nice Valentine's Day!

Catie & Jake Visit!

Friday night our friends Catie & Jake came into town for a little mini-vacay and they called us up to see if we wanted to hang out for a bit! We were really excited, it's not every day we have friends actually come to US for a weekend, and we were super excited to get to go out!

It was incredibly busy downtown because of the various events going on, but we finally managed to find a parking spot and headed to their hotel. We ended up eating at a really good brewery in the P&L that Adam and I had eaten at back when we had first moved here. It was a long wait, but it was nice to get to catch up with them and hear all about Baby! I'm so excited for their little one! Since Adam and I dont want kids, we get to spend all of our energy on our friend's little ones, and since Catie and Jake are the first of our close friends to become parents, we are so excited! Catie showed us the pictures from the first ultrasound and it was just unreal to think of the little person inside her!

Unfortunately, because Baby has been making Catie extrememly sleepy, we didnt get to do much after dinner. It was still great to see them though, and I hope they can make it down more often! It was nice to get to get out and explore the city with people we know!

I'm so bummed that I didnt take any pictures. I even had my camera with me! I always get irritated when I mean to take pics and forget.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Tina!!


I love today! I always look forward to Tina's birthday because I know that where ever we are in the world or whatever it is that we are doing, I'll get to talk to my best friend.

For 11 years now Tina and I have made a point to always call the other on our birthday. Even if we only get to say a quick hello, we always make that point to call one another. It always makes me so happy to get to talk to her. We dont talk nearly as much as we should, so getting to have that few minutes of "Tina Time" really makes me happy.

This year she wasn't feeling too great, but we still spend almost an hour and a half on the phone talking about anything and everything. Her hubby, Chris, is serving in the military and has been overseas since last summer. I'm so happy because she found out he will be home in the next 2-3 weeks! He left shortly after they got married, and she's been by herself with school and everything and I am so glad that he is finally getting to come home. They are going to take a nice, long vacation and I'm so happy for them!

I thought I'd share a picture from way back when. This was from when we were in 6th grade...gosh that seems like forever ago! I can't believe how much time has passed. We're holding our twin "note" frogs...we used to put a barbie backpack on them and stuff notes in them and pass them back and forth in class to one another that way...yes, we were sneaky! :D

Ahhh back when I had those were the days!

I miss my Tina! Happy Birthday!!! I hope you had a great day!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Another Pretty Snow

I HATE snow. I would much rather live in a place that had no snow at all. But even I had to admit that the snow today was really pretty. It was one of those heavy, wet snows- terrible for driving, but super pretty on the trees.

Luckily, it will be gone soon since it's supposed to be above freezing!


I'm a newlywed with a love for the little things in life- sipping a cappuccino at a local coffee shop in the sunshine, art that seems to make no sense, the smile my husband gets sometimes when I catch him watching me, the cool breeze in the fall when the leaves are changing, my dog when she has somehow manages to wedge herself under my hand and I find myself petting her unknowingly, the smell of freshly cut grass, the sounds of the ocean, taking photos of instances you can never get back. I feel too much about things but may not always say it. I adore my mother. You'll find I take a lot of pictures. La vita รจ bella.