Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Today I ordered our favors. They are super simple, but I think given the theme and everything of the wedding they will look really good. Once they come in I'll give more info on them, since I have to make sure they are going to work first!

Now I'm on the lookout for gifts for the bridesmaids...hmmm....

Also, my mom found a great deal on the cider for the fountain at the reception! She picked that up last night, and now her kitchen is filled with cider. Haha. We just need to get the ingredients for everything to cook for the dessert bar and then we will be good to go with the food aspect.

Haha, I also found this really cute hoodie jacket on Ebay from Victoria's secret. It matches my "Bride" one, and I thought of Kelsey...I didnt know if she'd like it, but I asked her and she really wanted it. So we will match while we are getting ready! Haha, it will make for a cute picture at least.

Now I need to order the engagement pictures, start on the slideshow, and figure out the menu situation. Sooo much to do!! But Bachelorette Party this weekend and I am so excited!! YAY!

Monday, September 28, 2009


We got Adam's ring! Which means that the wedding bands are officially gotten and ready to go. They are perfect! Adam loves his, he kept trying to wear it....I made him take it off. It is really nice though, and it fits, so everything is ready to go. Now I just have to remember them when I head down to Springfield!

We also mailed out the "new ceremony" location cards, so everyone should be getting those soon.

The toss garter also came in the mail, and it's simple but really cute. Now we are just waiting for the decoration things and the rose petals to come in the mail.

This week I need to finalize the linens, book our flights for the honeymoon, get our engagement pictures and start our slideshow. I'm starting to feel a bit overwhelmed and since the wedding is coming up so fast, I feel like there is so much more that I WANT to do but dont have time for and it's making me crazy! I need to just calm down and trust it's all going to be great.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

toledo weekend

We had one of the busiest and quickest weekends we have had to date. We flew into Detroit early Friday morning, and after getting our bags and about an hour drive to the hotel, we were exhausted already. We had a quick couple hours of relaxation (basically, hanging up our dress outfits, uploading pictures, and plugging in batteries) before heading to Sara and Joey's rehearsal and dinner.

Surprisingly, I really liked Toledo. It seems alot like Omaha, both size-wise and look-wise. The layout just felt familiar...except there were trees- EVERYWHERE! Haha. But their downtown was similar in size and all (I think Omaha's is actually a bit bigger having the Qwest Center and all, but it's similar) and right on the river. They had their dinner at an adorable and super yummy Italian restaurant (apparently the place he took her the night he proposed...aww!). It was really good, but we were exhausted after the salad course! Ha.

It was a long night, and we didnt get much sleep since we had to be ready to leave for the salon at 8:30ish, but it was good. The wedding day went really well, and we got along really great with a couple of their friends who basically had to drive us around the entire weekend. They were really fun people- and it sucks they live all the way in Portland! Which, by the way, did you know it is illegal there to pump your own gas? How ODD?!?!

Anywho, the wedding was good, Sara was beautiful and they looked like they were having a great time. Nothing major went wrong and everything was super smooth. The rain and clouds even cleared up in enough time for pictures after the ceremony! It was also a long day and we had to leave for the airport this morning at 8:30ish. We spent the day in the airport, having pretty long layovers and having to get to the airport about 4 hours early since Marissa and Joe's flight back to Portland left earlier than ours. And then we had a 3 1/2 hour layover in Chicago. It wasnt too bad though, but we were happy to get home!

I'll get some pictures up from their wedding soon!

Now I just cant wait for our our wedding, it's less than 3 weeks away!!!!!! AHHH!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Today we made our way down to the courthouse to make it official!

Ok, well, the first step in making it official anyway. We finally got the marriage license!

It was actually a bit nerve racking! Ha, I think we were both a bit nervous...perhaps it was because we were both in an actual courthouse? I dont know, but we laughed throughout the entire process. Haha, it was a bit amusing. I think the lady was a bit confused. Especially when we couldnt stop laughing after having to sign off that we werent related.

I wanted to take more pictures, but even though there were no signs, I still figured we might get in a bit of trouble...I mean, taking pictures inside the courthouse has got to be like, illegal...right?

The Courthouse! It was to tall to fit it all in.

After getting it! Ha, he wouldnt let me take a picture of both of us together.

Anywho, step 1 is done! Now we just have to make sure we dont lose it...it's so much to remember!

We are off to Toledo for Sara and Joey's wedding tomorrow. Hopefully all of that goes smoothly- when we come back we will be less than 3 weeks away! Ahh!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

cake server!

Cake server came in last night! I am so relieved. While it isnt anything compared to the $75 one we wanted, it is actually really nice. It has a neat victorian style look to it, and I actually am a big fan. It's definitely nicer than anything I thought we would end up with, and Adam seems satisfied, so for what it's purpose will be, I think I'm really happy we didnt shell out the money for the nicer one, since this will be cleaned and stored back in it's box forever. Ha.

My flash drowns out all of the detailing, but they really are pretty!

So I'm happy with them! Yay! Yet another thing crossed off my list.

Monday, September 21, 2009

random goodies

Because our weekends are packed with weddings and other photo shoots, I like to take Mondays (if I can) and use it to plan for our own wedding. So today I spent the day scowering Ebay for various goodies for our dessert bar. I ordered our cellophane baggies for the dessert bar, I actually found some pretty ones that are clear with gold detailing, so I'm hoping if we tie them with a rose color or brown ribbon they will work good. And they were the cheapest- which makes it even better! So those are on their way (or will be soon) which makes me happy.

Now I just need to wait until Hobby Lobby has their ribbon 50% off so I can get the ribbon for the baggies and for the napkins. We are going to head to Sam's later this week to try and get the plastic plates and cups for the cake and whatnot, and maybe I can pick up some of the ingredients we will need for the various goodies at the dessert bar. I've been picking up things for it here and there and freezing them, so I'm hoping that there will be many yumy goodies! Now we just need to get some serving things to put them all on and make the display pretty!

I also got a few other table decoration goodies and I FINALLY found an awesome deal on the rose petals for the aisle!!!! Who would have thought that white petals were more expensive than the colored ones?! But in any case, I worked my Ebay skills and got 6,000 petals to line the aisle for the church (yes, you heard that, 6,000 petals!) for under $30, so that makes me VERY happy since a case of about 100 at Hobby Lobby is $10. They are on their way from China, haha, and will be here in 2 weeks, but they are ordered and I am happy!!!

Hopefully they will look something like this. Only we wont have a runner, and they will be much thicker on the sides.

Again, much thicker, but we are doing this tulle thing, so you kind of get the idea.

Also found my toss garter, I was trying to find the cheapest but still halfway cute garter out there, and luckily Ebay to the rescue again, and I got a cute white one for the toss for $3-- INCLUDING shipping! Yay! So I am happy.

So today was pretty productive. It's getting down to the end! I can ALMOST see the light...now let's just pay off the linens and my hair/makeup, and we will be done!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

27 days!

This was an insanely busy weekend. We had a wedding in Weston on Saturday, and then got a few wedding details of our own accomplished too. We finally got our rings in after searching all around town for a jeweler, and I'm now sans my e-ring until Wednesday- it sucks! I never really realized what it was like to be without it, I've been wearing it for over 2 years! Though at least it will look super shiny and pretty (we are getting it replated for the wedding!) when I get it back, and it's only for a couple of days, and not weeks. So that is good. Adam's ring is in to be sized too, so that's a relief. Once we finish getting these all done, we should be done with the rings!

My cover-up came in too, and I love it! I hope it will go with the rehearsal dress ok. I havent tried it on with it yet, but it looks like it will go ok so I hope so. I love it! It is so soft and elegant. It came all the way from Italy! How cool!!

Now we are just waiting on our cake cutting set to come in. While it's not the one we WANTED (that one was $75!) I still think it will be ok. It's brand new, and we only paid $25 for the set, and it's actually a super nice one from Things Remembered, and after looking online everywhere the only ones in that price range were cheap plastic or cheesy ones, so we will make this work. We didnt want to have to spend a ton on this when it will only be in a few pics and just be used for the couple seconds when we cut the cake! So hopefully those will turn out and be pretty in person.

Ahh, we are only 27 days out!!! That is so crazy. This week we need to get all of the little last minute things, like the baggies for the desesrt bar and the plastic plates and cups for the cake and the ribbon--the stuff that will be used for the food making the week of the wedding! Aside from all of that, I think we are mostly done! Yay!!!

I love the planning for everything, but I have to be honest, I am going to be so relieved when this is all over! I am just so excited to be married. I know the entire day is going to be amazing, but the moment I am looking forward to more than anything is the ceremony...I am just so excited to be saying our vows and am SO glad that Adam finally agreed to write our own. I know he is not looking forward to this at all, but it was really the most important thing to me and after much, much convincing he finally agreed to do that. I am just looking forward to that moment more than anything.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Our toasting glasses came! They are absolutely perfect. I have to be honest, I was worried about them after we actually ordered them, mostly because they are really different, and even though Adam liked them, I was still worried that they wouldnt look as good in person. But they are gorgeous! They are really really elegant, and i am really happy with them. And the engraving turned out really nice too, which makes it even better!

My RING also came in! It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Now we just have to take it in to be sized, hopefully we can get that done this weekend. Once we get that done to mine and get Adam's sized too, we will be good to go with the rings. Yay!

dress fitting

So I made the drive down to Springfield today for my dress fitting. I was so nervous going down there, which already put me into a sort of bad mood, and then I had to go straight from work, which means I looked like I had woken up at 3am and rolled out of bed. So to make a long story short, the fitting didnt really go all that well. It has to have more changes done to it and I wont get to see it finished until the wedding, which makes me really nervous...if it doesnt fit on the wedding, well, that's not exactly a good thing. Everyone assures me it will be fine, but being 4 weeks from the day, I'm slightly freaking out. Ughhh. I'm so worried that my hair is going to be crappy and then my dress not fit right and guh. Not a good feeling. Guess I just have to be optimistic...

Good thing, my veil does look really nice with the dress!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


And I have some amazing news!!!

We got a little help, and after an awesome turn of events, Adam and I get to take a HONEYMOON!

We are so thrilled. We officially booked last night, and we are so excited it's pretty much made us giddy.

So where are we going? Well, we had originally wanted to take a "different" type of honeymoon, something not typical and something different from what everyone else does...but after looking around, we realized just WHY everyone takes a similar honeymoon...the prices are unbeatable! So we are going to the BAHAMAS! We decided on a cruise, mostly because everything is included. The particular one we picked has more than usual of the "Days at Sea" which we thought would be good since we can relax and enjoy our time on the boat.

It also leaves from Baltimore (go figure that one out!), so if we can swing it (we wont know until probably the week before the wedding) we'd like to go up early and spend a few days in Baltimore and head up to Washington DC, which is like 35 miles away. Adam's never been there, and he would really, really enjoy it, and plus, New England in the fall---incredible! So hopefully we can swing a few days there, but if not, at least we have the cruise! It leaves the 25th, so we will have a few extra days to spend in Springfield, and we will probably take some day trips to Northern Arkansas (yes, Arkansas. But it's super pretty in the fall, and they do have some neat little towns- plus, what else is there to see?) since the drive is super short.

See, Northern Arkansas in the fall--soo pretty!

Eureka Springs, Arkansas- cute little town with cute shops!

We are so excited! Adam really wants to go snorkeling, which I got to do in Puerto Rico and was SO FUN, so we need to make sure to do that! Our boat looks AMAZING!!! I need to just make sure to get some motion sickeness medicine! Boy wouldnt THAT suck.

This is our ROOM! It has a BALCONY!! Soooo fancy!

Big big boat!!!

This is the "Grand Entrance"...wow! I like the art theme...

Fancy dining room!

Another fancy dining room

One of the many lounge/clubs on the ship!

Then because I am just SO excited and want to make this the longest post ever, here are some pictures of the cities we will get to see!!

First stop- BALTIMORE!

Then we hit ORLANDO!

NASSAU Bahamas! This is Atlantis!

More Nassau!

And another pic! So pretty!

FREEPORT, Bahamas!

The water is so clear! I hope it really is like that!

So if you cant tell, we are pretty darn excited! YAY!!!

33 days!

My veil is here! I am super excited. I dont have pictures yet since the veil is down with my mom, but I will be seeing it on Friday and I cant wait! She says it's pretty so let's hope! I'll get a picture of the case, haha, since no veil pics since Adam cant see! ;)

Garment bags came yesterday and they look like they will fit...they are HUGE! Haha. I never thought they would be so...well...big! So I'm assuming that they will fit the massive dress.

We are going through our engagement pictures, hopefully tonight, to pick our first handful that we are going to get. And by handful, I mean, like 5. We really want some for the reception for our pitiful gift table, haha, and for the slideshow, so we figured we'd buy a couple now (since we are buying the digital files instead of just prints they are more $$) and then we can always get the rest later. I wish we could get them all now, but I guess we never anticipated that we would like the ALL so much, and that they'd be a bit pricey for the files.

I got this coverup from Etsy (I find so many nifty things on there!) for my rehearsal dress, so I am hoping that it goes ok. If not, it's still super cute, was cheap, and will go with many other things.

It's being shipped all the way from ITALY (woo!!) so I havent gotten it yet, but hopefully it will come soon! I'm hoping it gets here before Friday, along with the toasting glasses, so I can take them down to mom.

Speaking of Friday--I am so paranoid that I'm not going to fit in my dress. I mean, I dont THINK I've gained weight in a month, but I'm just to flippin paranoid and wouldnt that SUCK. Not like it can really be RE-altered in this less amount of time! Crash diet before Friday?! Yeah. Right. I like my food too much. Let's just cross our fingers and hope I suppose!


So yes, I wait until 33 days before the wedding to update the background on the blog. Ha.

And yes, it's not exactly "manly", but has Adam contributed to this blog? No. Therefore he makes no say as to what color the background is.

Let's see how long it takes him to figure it out. :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

rehearsal dress!

After searching for literally HOURS for a decent white dress that was neither too dressy or too casual for our rehearsal/dinner I FINALLY came across this one!

It is super cute and casual, but still dressy enough. That and it looks super comfortable and I love the back! My luck it will be freezing that night though, and since we will be in a church, I'm going to look for a little bolero jacket thing. Hopefully I will find something that goes!

And the absolute BEST thing about the dress??? INCLUDING shipping, it was less than $30. Yes. That was the best part. It arrived in the mail today and it FITS (yay!!) and is actually just as cute on as the website pictures. I showed it to Adam and he seemed to like it (wait, is it taboo to show your rehearsal dress before the rehearsal?! Let's hope that's just wedding dresses...) so it's a winner. And it's super soft and flowy so it will be comfortable. Now I just need to decide what color shoes I want to wear with it!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

toasting glasses....37 days!!

37 days!

Good lordy time is flying by. I feel like we still have so much to do and hope we have enough time to do so. Ahhhh! This week has flown by insanely fast...I'm so excited for the wedding, so I'm happy time is flying by, but I'm also insanely nervous about it all coming together and getting everything ready, so a small part of me is screaming "SLOW DOWN!" Haha.

Not too much to update wedding-wise this week so far. Tomorrow is a big day- we are paying off ALL of our vendors for the wedding! Which means that this bad boy is happening for sure. It will be a HUGE relief...YAY! I can't wait. Once it is all taken care of things will start to feel even more real.

Bought my dress garment bag today. It's crazy how many of these there are on Ebay. I was a bit sad, I had really wanted the Justin Alexander one I saw a few months ago, since that is my dress designer, and I thought it would be cool to have the actual one from the designer. But I didnt buy it at the time, and of course it's gone now and no where to be found. I emailed the people at Justin Alexander, but unfortunately they dont sell directly to brides, and since I didnt buy my gown through one of their "authorized retailers", they cant help me. Sad. But I found a good one, plain white but it's big enough to fit my dress and cloth, so it should be good. And I found another cute pink one for my slip and veil, and they were super super cheap, so that made me happy.

Also got our toasting glasses today. That's a big relieft. We've spent forever trying to find ones...the ones we loved are too expensive through Things Remembered, so we have been trying to find ones that werent cheesy and cheap looking, and they are all SO expensive. I spent all day on Ebay trying to find some and accidently came across these, and Adam really liked them, so we went ahead and got them since they included engraving and were much cheaper than any other ones we saw. Plus, they are different, and it will be neat to have later on.

Sadness on the linens. We emailed the people to book them and because we waited too long (2 weeks) they cant get in our rose color napkins in time for the wedding. So we have to change them to ivory, which is fine, but the rose would have matched better and been prettier, I think. So we are going to tie a rose ribbon around them instead. :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

friends and weddings!

Yesterday was my good friend Catie's wedding back in Omaha and it was beautiful. Catie was so, so pretty and Jake looked pretty good too ;). It was so fun to be able to see everyone again and to be able to share in their day...

Gosh they've been together longer than Adam and I by about 7 months...that is crazy. Guitar class...bowling...aww the early days of Catie and Jake. I was there the day they started dating (again, you are welcome for holding your mom off in the car and talking about random things while you two chatted after the baseball game!). It's crazy.

But it was a beautiful day, both weather wise and couple-wise and I hope that everything turned out the way that she dreamed. The only big mishap of the day was the cake, which in the end was fixed and wonderful, and everyone had a great time.

I had the honor of getting to take the pictures for the day, and I just couldnt wait to share some. These are just a few, but I had to show everyone just how beautiful my friend was yesterday! :)

So pretty!

Beautiful bride

See what I mean, perfect day!

Catie, if you read this, I hope you guys have a blast on your honeymoon, and I am so happy that I got to be there for the wedding!! I want to see pics from the trip! :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

happy birthday adam!


Today is Adam's birthday! I am attempting to make him a cake later...that will be interesting, but I'm going to try!

YAY birthdays!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY love! I love you more than anything! :D


Corsages are done! I love my mommy. Aren't they pretty?!

Both of the corsages and boutonnieres!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


My bridesmaids are going to be some stylish ladies.

My mom finished the girls' bouquets yesterday and they are prefect!! Exactly how we wanted them to look, with each one a bit different (just like the girls!) but all of them blending perfectly. I love them!

All of them! Far left one is Kelsey, then Tina, the next two are Sara and Amelia's, the little one on the end is Skyler's!

Closeup of Tina's and then Sara and Amelia's (they have to pick which they want!)

Closeup of Sara/Amelia and Skyler's

Closeup of Kelsey and Tina's

So pretty! She did an incredible job. And the best part, is that they wont die or lose their beauty! I am so excited to show them off at the wedding. Not to mention how awesome the pictures will be! :D


I'm a newlywed with a love for the little things in life- sipping a cappuccino at a local coffee shop in the sunshine, art that seems to make no sense, the smile my husband gets sometimes when I catch him watching me, the cool breeze in the fall when the leaves are changing, my dog when she has somehow manages to wedge herself under my hand and I find myself petting her unknowingly, the smell of freshly cut grass, the sounds of the ocean, taking photos of instances you can never get back. I feel too much about things but may not always say it. I adore my mother. You'll find I take a lot of pictures. La vita รจ bella.