Monday, November 16, 2009

Wedding Re-Cap!

Like I said, the wedding was pretty much amazing. Everyone made the long trip down (a million THANK YOU'S to everyone!), the church was beautiful, it didnt rain, and it wasnt so cold that we couldnt do anything. In fact, the sun peaked itself through to tell it us was there, but didnt fully come out since it didnt want to ruin any pictures, and (for the most part) all of the vendors did what they were getting paid to do and everything turned out great.

I'm a bad bit bummed because I dont think anyone got any pictures from the rehearsal, so I cant show off Adam and I getting spiffed up the night before or of the awesome ribbon bouquet from the shower that did, finally, get put to use. But the rehearsal did go surprisingly well, despite us being a whopping 45 minutes late--UPS was delivering the lights for the videographers and they hadnt come yet by the time we were suppossed to leave. So we were arguing on what to do, since we HAD to have the lights, and SOMEONE had to stay and sign for them. In the end, a neighbor watched for the truck and ended up signing for them (made me nervous, I was so worried they were going to miss it), but because of the construction and rush hour traffic in Springfield (good Lord, it's worse than a big city!) we didnt end up getting out of the CITY until the time we were supposed to BE there, and we still had another 45 minutes to go. Luckily, nobody was too up in arms over it (well, actually, I'm sure they WERE, but no one made a big deal about it to US, so I'm thankful) and aside from that hiccup the rehearsal itself went rather well.

It was kind of unreal, though, like we were practicing for something that wasnt actually happening. I think the rehearsal was more for the bridal party and parents, because honestly to me, I dont remember much of anything- as I was trying to not let myself think about it too in-depth because I didnt know exactly what my emotions would DO. It's a big blur, I know I just kept laughing...and that I didnt wear shoes for half of it because stupidly I wore heels. And that it seemed weird to me to see all of these people that I knew so far away from the elements I was used to them in...

The rehearsal dinner, though it itself went rather smoothly, was a bit of a disappointment. We booked the place sight unseen, which was a mistake but when you live out of town and dont have a time to go in and see places, you take the website's word that they are good. They were on Branson Landing, which was important because we wanted people to see the nice side of Branson, and it was in the Hilton so we thought we would be safe- they had a private party room for crying out loud. But in fact, they only had 2 printed menus, we had to order from the counter up front, the girl at the counter was incredibly rude to 90% of everyone, and they brought out the wrong meals to people multiple times. Adam was pretty upset- he had wanted a nice dinner, but everyone took it in good stride and I figured if that was the worst thing of the weekend- we could count ourselves lucky! The food was pretty good, and we got to celebrate Josh's birthday with a delicious ice cream cake- so I count it as a night well spent.

To be honest, I remember more from the rehearsal than I do from the actual wedding. It really is true that it goes by incredibly fast. Everything is this big blur of activity with small instances poking through- sitting in the chair getting my hair done, standing in the bride's room with just my mom while the music had started and trying to remember to tell myself to breathe but insisting to myself that I wasnt going to cry YET. Standing behind the doors seconds before they opened them and the security guard, of all people, telling me a random story about God know's what, and then the doors opening, seeing Adam at the front (crying- he had said he wouldnt, but oh, he totally did)...that PICTURE that I see at EVERY wedding and can only imagine what the bride is actually feeling right then- laughing myself to the front of the church because I was already crying, thinking 3/4 of the way down that we walked too fast and I wanted to walk slower, jumping to the pastor calling Adam Andrew and asking him a question not on the script.

Then it was over, and we were letting go of the Doves, which as much as I hadnt thought much of them beforehand, were so beautiful because of where we were. I remember feeling badly because the pastor had written something for the dove release but in the end we just let them go without him saying anything and I didnt want his words to go to waste...then it was pictures and then the bus, I remember regretting so much that we didnt stock the bus the night before and everyone was so bored at first and even though I wanted pictures I wanted to get to a gas station worse, and then the sheriffs at the gas station, haha, and then picture time and dancing on the bus and it's all a blur and then we were at the reception, and we did the sparklers but it was so fast I dont remember it. The reception, we walked through it so fast I didnt get to take it all in but it was beautiful. Then we were announced, and everything was so pretty inside, and the head table and everything was just how I envisioned it to be. The food was amazing, even though I only ate a very little. Before I could take a breath it was time for the first dance, and I remember not knowing how to stand during that...and then we were cutting the cake, and then the garter and bouquet, and then we took a breather and went outside for some pictures. I remember other brides outside, saying something cheesy like "Nice date" or something to them, but just enjoying being outside and away from everyone. And then it was time to leave. I wanted to stay longer but my dress was making it hard to breathe and I could barely stand up and it hurt so bad and even though I wanted to stay and dance and hear the songs I requested for mom and dance with her it just hurt so bad and I wanted to leave before the pain wouldnt go away!

Then we were in the car and then we got locked out at the hotel, and we had to walk around all the way to the front, and by the time we got there we ran into the shuttle taking everyone back to the hotel so we had to talk to everyone again...and it was crazy because the night was over. We couldnt even talk about everything because it was so overwhelming.

The next morning we went down to eat and were greeted by, well, everyone who was at the wedding. That was pretty neat, in a strange way. Everyone talked about how much they liked the wedding and how perfect it all was nice to relish in that even though we couldnt remember much of it. Haha. And this informal gathering made us SO HAPPY that we didnt opt for that dreaded "Morning after brunch". This was so much nicer- everyone was still in their PJs and it was just nice to see them all together (alot of our groups of friends hadnt met before the wedding, and I'm so happy they seemed to get along) before they headed back.

There is so much from the day that I'm just so happy went well. I feel badly that I didnt get to talk to everyone who came, but believe me I am so happy that they were all there. They made the wedding perfect, and I hope that the drive wasnt too bad and that it was worth it at least to get to see the scenery!

I will put up more pictures soon, I've been so busy trying to catch up on work since being back that everything has just flown by. Thanksgiving is coming up soon and then Christmas and that is just incredible to me! We've already been married almost a month and that's insane because it feels like the wedding was just last week.

As for the honeymoon, it was also incredible and I am so thankful that we got to go on one. I'll update on that and relive it soon, since I'm sure some day I will look back on it and regret it if I dont, ha. But for now I have to finish some work and then it's dinner time!

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I'm a newlywed with a love for the little things in life- sipping a cappuccino at a local coffee shop in the sunshine, art that seems to make no sense, the smile my husband gets sometimes when I catch him watching me, the cool breeze in the fall when the leaves are changing, my dog when she has somehow manages to wedge herself under my hand and I find myself petting her unknowingly, the smell of freshly cut grass, the sounds of the ocean, taking photos of instances you can never get back. I feel too much about things but may not always say it. I adore my mother. You'll find I take a lot of pictures. La vita รจ bella.