Tuesday, June 16, 2009

pink and perfect!

YAY! So last night I was playing around and looking for stuff on Etsy (goodness I'm addicted) and all of a sudden I got a message from 2BirdStone, who is dying my crinoline. She said my crinny was done, and to top it off, SENT PICTURES! I am so incredibly excited. It turned out amazing. It's on it's way back to me now and I can't wait to see it in person, but the pictures make me just oh so happy with joy.

Ahhh! I am in love.


  1. did you ask if she can do brown?! Haha

  2. Good idea! I'll email her now....she better!!!



I'm a newlywed with a love for the little things in life- sipping a cappuccino at a local coffee shop in the sunshine, art that seems to make no sense, the smile my husband gets sometimes when I catch him watching me, the cool breeze in the fall when the leaves are changing, my dog when she has somehow manages to wedge herself under my hand and I find myself petting her unknowingly, the smell of freshly cut grass, the sounds of the ocean, taking photos of instances you can never get back. I feel too much about things but may not always say it. I adore my mother. You'll find I take a lot of pictures. La vita รจ bella.