Wednesday, June 3, 2009

fun with scan guns!

Last night Adam and I finally braved the registry. We went to Target, because we figured it was the most popular, it was pretty low key, and you got to walk around with one of the fun little scanning guns. So we made up the registry and headed around the store, we figured out that the purpose of these registries is not to find things that you NEED, but really, it's all a huge plot of Target for you to see all of the things that you WANT, and thesefore add to the list. So we found many things that we dont really NEED, but sure do want, and then some housing things that we really liked. Adam registered for a Dyson, not that he thinks someone is going to buy us a $400 vaccuum, but he REALLY wanted to put it on there, and it was really the only thing he kept bugging me about all night. So I finally gave in and he was allowed to scan the machine, which kept him quite entertained.

Scanning our first item!!!

One of the like, 3 times I got to hold the gun- TOTAL!

He was such a gun hog!!

Sigh, he HAD to do the Dyson, even though it was $400!!

All finished- finally!!!

It was SO stressful. You wouldnt think doing a GIFT registry would be stressful, but it was. Mostly because we couldnt agree on things to put on there, or agree on the colors we were going to choose for towels. Ha. It was fun though. I think we are going to do Bed Bath & Beyond too, since Target and them seem to be the ones everyone does...

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I'm a newlywed with a love for the little things in life- sipping a cappuccino at a local coffee shop in the sunshine, art that seems to make no sense, the smile my husband gets sometimes when I catch him watching me, the cool breeze in the fall when the leaves are changing, my dog when she has somehow manages to wedge herself under my hand and I find myself petting her unknowingly, the smell of freshly cut grass, the sounds of the ocean, taking photos of instances you can never get back. I feel too much about things but may not always say it. I adore my mother. You'll find I take a lot of pictures. La vita รจ bella.