And I have some amazing news!!!
We got a little help, and after an awesome turn of events, Adam and I get to take a HONEYMOON!
We are so thrilled. We officially booked last night, and we are so excited it's pretty much made us giddy.
So where are we going? Well, we had originally wanted to take a "different" type of honeymoon, something not typical and something different from what everyone else does...but after looking around, we realized just WHY everyone takes a similar honeymoon...the prices are unbeatable! So we are going to the BAHAMAS! We decided on a cruise, mostly because everything is included. The particular one we picked has more than usual of the "Days at Sea" which we thought would be good since we can relax and enjoy our time on the boat.
It also leaves from Baltimore (go figure that one out!), so if we can swing it (we wont know until probably the week before the wedding) we'd like to go up early and spend a few days in Baltimore and head up to Washington DC, which is like 35 miles away. Adam's never been there, and he would really, really enjoy it, and plus, New England in the fall---incredible! So hopefully we can swing a few days there, but if not, at least we have the cruise! It leaves the 25th, so we will have a few extra days to spend in Springfield, and we will probably take some day trips to Northern Arkansas (yes, Arkansas. But it's super pretty in the fall, and they do have some neat little towns- plus, what else is there to see?) since the drive is super short.
See, Northern Arkansas in the fall--soo pretty!

Eureka Springs, Arkansas- cute little town with cute shops!

We are so excited! Adam really wants to go snorkeling, which I got to do in Puerto Rico and was SO FUN, so we need to make sure to do that! Our boat looks AMAZING!!! I need to just make sure to get some motion sickeness medicine! Boy wouldnt THAT suck.
This is our ROOM! It has a BALCONY!! Soooo fancy!

Big big boat!!!

This is the "Grand Entrance"! I like the art theme...

Fancy dining room!

Another fancy dining room

One of the many lounge/clubs on the ship!

Then because I am just SO excited and want to make this the longest post ever, here are some pictures of the cities we will get to see!!
First stop- BALTIMORE!

Then we hit ORLANDO!

NASSAU Bahamas! This is Atlantis!

More Nassau!

And another pic! So pretty!
FREEPORT, Bahamas!

The water is so clear! I hope it really is like that!

So if you cant tell, we are pretty darn excited! YAY!!!