Good lordy time is flying by. I feel like we still have so much to do and hope we have enough time to do so. Ahhhh! This week has flown by insanely fast...I'm so excited for the wedding, so I'm happy time is flying by, but I'm also insanely nervous about it all coming together and getting everything ready, so a small part of me is screaming "SLOW DOWN!" Haha.
Not too much to update wedding-wise this week so far. Tomorrow is a big day- we are paying off ALL of our vendors for the wedding! Which means that this bad boy is happening for sure. It will be a HUGE relief...YAY! I can't wait. Once it is all taken care of things will start to feel even more real.
Bought my dress garment bag today. It's crazy how many of these there are on Ebay. I was a bit sad, I had really wanted the Justin Alexander one I saw a few months ago, since that is my dress designer, and I thought it would be cool to have the actual one from the designer. But I didnt buy it at the time, and of course it's gone now and no where to be found. I emailed the people at Justin Alexander, but unfortunately they dont sell directly to brides, and since I didnt buy my gown through one of their "authorized retailers", they cant help me. Sad. But I found a good one, plain white but it's big enough to fit my dress and cloth, so it should be good. And I found another cute pink one for my slip and veil, and they were super super cheap, so that made me happy.
Also got our toasting glasses today. That's a big relieft. We've spent forever trying to find ones...the ones we loved are too expensive through Things Remembered, so we have been trying to find ones that werent cheesy and cheap looking, and they are all SO expensive. I spent all day on Ebay trying to find some and accidently came across these, and Adam really liked them, so we went ahead and got them since they included engraving and were much cheaper than any other ones we saw. Plus, they are different, and it will be neat to have later on.

Sadness on the linens. We emailed the people to book them and because we waited too long (2 weeks) they cant get in our rose color napkins in time for the wedding. So we have to change them to ivory, which is fine, but the rose would have matched better and been prettier, I think. So we are going to tie a rose ribbon around them instead. :)
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