And family.
This past weekend my matron of honor and one of my amazing bridesmaids hosted my bridal shower back in Omaha and it was so much fun! It was absolutely incredible, and I can't believe that they went to so much work and trouble just for me. So many people showed up- I honestly couldn't believe the turnout. So many great people and friends, many of which I hadnt seen in a long time, came out and even with the last minute switch in locations, it was still a huge success.
Speaking of the last minute switch, I really need to thank Tina and her family. The restaurant that the shower was supposed to be held at randomly closed up "permanently" without informing Tina or anybody else. So the morning of the shower, Tina and her family decide to host the shower at her parent's house. While I wasn't upset in the slightest, I was only expecting a few people and a small gathering in her living room. What I arrived to, was a large group of people, tents, chairs, tables (complete with table cloths!) and the largest assortment of food I have seen. It was above and beyond anything I could have ever imagined and I really want to thank them again for everything they did last minute. Also, I want to thank Sara for all of the DELICIOUS food she made, the game she was in charge of and all of the decorating I'm sure she helped with. And Tina's sister Erin for making the AMAZING cupcakes (which every single person loved)!
I have amazing people in my life, and I'm still in shock at everything that they did to make the day special. :D
Adam and I received some wonderful gifts (some of which are already being put to good use!) and we both want to thank everyone for everything. Just you all being there was enough of a gift for me! And Adam was shocked by everything later that night.
I have many many pictures from the day and I will post more later, but these are just a few that my friend Cassy and her sister snapped. When I get more uploaded I will put up some more, since it was just that great of a day!
Yes, they did ALL THIS, with about, oh, 3 hours notice.

Such AMAZING food

My sister trying to make the bouquet out of the ribbons from our gifts. Apparently I will carry this at the rehearsal. It actually turned out really good.

Opening my present from my mommy. She made me cry!

The whole group! So many people came!!!

Thank you again to everyone who came and everyone who worked to make it all happen. Everyting was so perfect and I cant thank everyone enough!!! :)
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