Yeah, it hit me. 12 days before the wedding. Haha!
Maybe it was all of the "Congratulations" I got walking around downtown Omaha in a blinking sash? I dont know, but for some reason I woke up on Sunday morning absolutely giddy because I'm getting married in less than 2 weeks!
Anywho, the party. Yes. Us girls started out at Spaghetti Works (yummm) and then went back to the hotel where I got decorated up...I felt like a ridiculously pink barbie! I loved it! Then it was present time, and I had no idea that so many different...items...existed, hahhaa. I wont go into detail, but it was insanely fun!
All decked out! See, pinkkk!! If it wouldnt have been FREEZING, I would have been entirely pink since I would have went without the sweater!

An awesome glass that is most definitely coming to the wedding.

Renae trying to open the bottle...

Then we headed out to start the scavenger hunt that Sara had made, which turned out to be so much fun! We ended up all over the downtown, and of course, Team Awesome won. Because I was in it, obviously. Hahaha. Then it was back to the hotel for Fondue (mmmmm) and then after most people left, Sara, Biddy and I went to the casino! Sara knows WAYY too much about that place...hahaha...but it was fun. That was only the second time I had ever been there, and of course the first time Adam and I were only there for like, 10 minutes because we had no idea what we were doing.
Elevator thumb looks creepyyy

I was really facinated because I was blinking like a traffic hazzard sign.

One of the first items on the scavenger hunt- street musician!

Another thing on the list, some stranger had to kiss me on the cheek. It was awkward and he smelled funny!

Sara also had to fake propose to a random stranger. I believe he was in the process of saying "Absolutely not" in this picture. He was not very...coherent...

On our way back to the hotel we had to take an annoying detour, because apparently they dont want you to get back into Nebraska from Iowa and they had the ramp closed for downtown. So we had to take a creepy dark detour, and we ended up hitting a deer...scariest moment of my life! Luckily we were all fine and no (major) damage to the car. We finally made it back at almost 4am, and Sara and I slept until checkout.
As for the boys, I really have pretty sketchy details of what happened, HAHA, but from what it sounds like, and from the shape Adam and his brother were in on Sunday, they looked like they had tons of fun (perhaps a bit too much...hahaha!)! I'm glad that the boys had a good time ;)
And now my neck is stained a bright hot pink from the feather boas...and after 4 showers of intense scrubbing, it's still there. Hmm...let's hope that vanishes before the wedding...hahaha! Luckily it is mostly off of the front...but on the back of my neck it is still quite pink. Who knew feather boas dyed and stained things?!?! They are SUPPOSED to go around your neck! I dont understand. Oh well, it was worth it, and because I didnt have the party the night before, I can laugh about it. :D
The group!

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